Ball Belly Bears

First Pint

Harry: Hey, look who’s early for a change?

Butch: Hi Harry. Don’t worry, I won’t make a habit of it. I took the afternoon off because I’ve things to do in town today, that’s why. So, how is it going?

Harry: Better now I’m out of the rain. I think it’s going to be wet all night.

Butch: Yeah, looks like it. I was browsing in the bookshop down the road when it started raining, so I thought I might as well come early to the Crown & Anchor, and wait for you guys to show up.

Harry: I don’t blame you. Is that the latest issue of gay rag you’ve got there? Can I have a flick through?

Butch: Sure, be my guest. I’ve been slipping my beer and checking out its coverage of all the Pride celebrations last week. There is a load of photos of the parade as usual.

Harry: I thought the organisers have really out done themselves this year, haven’t they? Even though my legs were a bit wobbly on Sunday after marching in the parade and standing for the rest of the time socialising.

Butch: I’m not surprised. I hope Ian gave you a good leg massage afterwards.

Harry: I wish, but he did make me a big cook breakfast in bed, which always helps.

Butch: Your husband really knows how to spoil you, doesn’t he?

Harry: I count my blessing every day. So, what did you get up to after the street party?

Butch: Haven’t I told you already? Nothing too exciting, really. I went for dinner with a group of guys at this cheap and cheerful Chinese buffet. The manager has this worried look when he saw over half a dozen of hungry bears walked through the door, and he was right to do so since we nearly demolished everything on offer. After we were fed, we descended into one of the couple’s place and ended up watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show to finish the night off. Anyway, it was great catching up with loads of guys I haven’t seen for ages.

Harry: Sounds like fun. It’s been years since I watched Rocky Horror. It’s one of Ian’s favourite films, and he can sing all the songs backward in his sleep.

Butch: I’m sure he knows all the moves, too.

Harry: Well, I went straight home after leaving the street party. I was so knackered after the long day, Ian came home from the theatre around midnight to find me nodded off on the sofa and took me to bed.

Butch: That’s sweet. Oh, before I forget, I thought you looked really smart in your paramedic uniform during the parade.

Harry: Well, thank you very much. I thought you were too busy checking out all the hunky men on show. Although it got a bit hot and sweaty towards the end of the parade.

Butch: Don’t complain. Just look outside the window, hot sunny weather like that doesn’t last long in this country, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Harry: I know. It looks like the rain outside is even heavier now. It’s incredible the difference a few days can make.

Butch: I hope Dix doesn’t get too wet getting here.

Harry: He did message me earlier on saying he’s on his way but might be a little late. Something about he’s got to deal with a late delivery before the end of the workday.

Butch: I know I make fun of him all the time, but deep down I’m happy that all the hard work he put into building his gardening business has paid off.

Harry: Talk of the devil. Here he comes and he’s soaking wet.

Dix: Hi guys. Who left the tap opened in the sky? I couldn’t believe just a few days ago we were basking in glorious sunshine, drinking beer alfresco with thousands of sexy men.

Butch: Shouldn’t you be used to our crazy weather in your line of work? I hope you're not working on someone’s garden in the next few days.

Dix: Thank god, no! It’ll be like working in a swamp if it keeps raining like this.

Harry: Dry yourself off a bit while I get you a beer, you’ll feel better with a pint in hand.

Dix: Thanks, Harry, you’re a good man.

Butch: How’s work, Dix? Harry said you had some problem at the shop earlier on today. I hope it’s nothing serious.

Dix: Oh no, it’s all sorted now. Thanks for asking. A shipment of bedding plants was delayed and finally arrived late afternoon today. Luckily, because of the weather the shop wasn’t busy, so we managed to unpack everything and get them ready for sale in the morning.

Butch: That’s good. I doubt many people will be doing any planting when it’s pouring with rain.

Dix: True, but at least they’re ready for sale when the weather improves. So, how about you? What’s new in the world of tech? It felt like it’s only yesterday since I last saw you.

Butch: Yeah, meeting any more and people will start talking. Anyway, I’m good. Not much has happened outside working and lifting since our trip to the theatre a couple of nights ago. I’m glad we finally get to watch Ian performing in The Pirates of Penzance.

Dix: Me too. The all male cast idea was genius, and Ian made a pretty convincing pirate.

Butch: Yeah, there’s a glowing review of the show in this week’s gay rag, and Ian even appears in one of the photos.

Dix: Let me see? Don’t you think he looked so different with all the makeup and that big fake moustache?

Butch: Definitely, and I thought the handlebar moustache really suits him. Harry should encourage him to grow one to go with his beard.

Dix: I see there are pages after pages of photos from the Pride weekend as well. I think these pics of the colourful floats absolutely summed up the party atmosphere of the day. Oh, do you remember this group of young guys wearing nothing but skimpy silver speedos? I can’t imagine dancing non-stop throughout the entire parade like them.

Butch: Tell me about it. Just where do they get their energy from? I recognised a few of the drag queens in the pictures too. It must be hell walking for hours in their punishingly high heels.

Dix: Rather them than me, but I bet they loved every minute of it. Look, there are some shots of leather guys, they always look so macho and sexy.

Butch: You know, they might look sexy, but not sure how macho some of them actually are. Trust me, I’ve met enough leather men to know. Regardless, they must have been sweating like pigs wearing full leather uniform on a hot summer day.

Dix: I doubt they cared, and there were definitely a few good piggies among them. The smell of leather and sweat together can be a real turn on for some. That reminds me, have you heard some people are trying to ban leather or other kinky gears in the Pride parade?

Butch: Of course. It’s been going on and off for years, unfortunately. There are a bunch of killjoys in our community who want to sanitise all Pride events, so they are more “acceptable” and don’t offend those uptight conservative prudes who probably won’t be there anyway.

Dix: Yeah. It’s not like men were whipping each other or having sex in public. Those must be the same type of people who oppose to drag queens years ago, but now since drag has gone mainstream, they are going after somebody else which don’t fit into their narrow-minded social norm.

Butch: Personally, I think “kink” is central to the sexual expression for many gay men, and telling them not to wear their leather or similar gears is like trying to stop the drag queens turning up in shiny sequin dresses.

Dix: I won’t dare crossing any drag queens, there will be hell to pay! As usual, one of those uptight people’s favourite arguments is about protecting children.

Butch: God forbid, their little Timothy or Benjamin will one day gets turn on by a bit of leather and love to be spanked.

Dix: Or even puppy play! Well, I sincerely hope their kids will grow up embracing what make them happy instead of leading a miserable life denying their true nature.

Butch: Talk about a happy life, you won’t find anybody happier than those bears in this photo posing with their beer in hand.

Dix: I think it must be taken at the street party outside this pub, I vaguely remember seeing them from a distance. Check out how this daddy bear has perfectly balanced his pint on his big belly, hands-free. I won’t mind giving that belly a good long rub any day.

Butch: I thought you’d like him. He’s very much your type.

Dix: Well, given the chance, I won’t say no! He looks so sexy in his sunglasses.

Butch: Tell me about it. Even though he is a bit old for me, he’s welcomed to rest his big round ball gut on my stomach and ride me like a cheap pony.

Harry: Excuse me, gentlemen, here are your beers.

Butch: Thanks, Harry.

Dix: Thank you very much. Have you seen the photos from the pride weekend in this magazine? As the drag queens will tell you, "they're absolutely fabulous, honey!"

Harry: Ha ha ha. Are they that good? No, I haven’t got that far. Let’s have a look. You’re right, they are brilliant pics of the parade. It’s a shame I was marching with my fellow paramedics and missed out seeing the other groups.

Dix: Never mind, I bet you’ve seen it all before, and it’s definitely more meaningful participating in the parade. In any case, you had a big smile on your face when you went past us, but I guess your arms must be aching from constantly waving at the crowds.

Harry: Actually, my arms were OK afterwards, it’s my legs that were not used to walking that kind of distance. By the way, I like the shot of this bear with his beer rested on his stomach. His belly is so round, his T-shirt could barely stretch over it.

Butch: We were just talking about him. It’s not often both Dix and I fancy the same guy.

Harry: I don’t blame you, he's definitely easy on the eye. I seldom go for bears with a belly that big, but I would make an exception for him.

Dix: Not you too. In that case, let’s raise our glasses to all the sexy ball belly bears like him!

Butch: Sure. To big ball belly bears!

Harry: You guys are so odd, but why not? To all ball belly bears! He looked so relaxed and content with his pint in hand, I wonder if he knew some reporter took his photo?

Butch: Who knows? He must have lots of practice resting his beers there. I would probably do likewise if I ever stop lifting and gain a gut his size. It could be my new party trick.

Harry: I would love to see that if you do. Personally, I don’t think I would like to get that big, can you imagine looking down and couldn’t see your own cock?

Butch: Well, that will take some getting used to, but it has to be one huge belly to hide my big cock.

Dix: Modesty isn’t your strong suit, is it? I’ve played with daddy bears with big ball bellies before, and it’s like riding a space hopper when you’re on top.

Butch: I can just picture you bobbing up and down on one. That reminds me of a few chubby cubs I know. They have a nice soft furry cushion to rest your head on when sucking them off.

Harry: You two are incorrigible.

Butch: I bet Ian love playing with your hairy belly.

Harry: He does give good belly rubs, but don’t tell him I said it.

Dix: Who doesn’t like a belly rub? Even my neighbour’s dog loves getting his furry tummy rubbed. You know, I’ve a real weakness for a nice round bear belly, and nearly impossible to keep my hands off one. The six-pack flat stomach look is so overrated.

Harry: That’s something all bear lovers can agree with. Obviously, the paramedic inside me knows it’s unhealthy carrying a large excess of body fat, especially around the waist for men, but I can’t help being attracted to guys with a fuller figure.

Butch: Just like Ian, then? In fact, he appeared in one of the pics in the Pirates of Penzance review.

Harry: Really? I’ve got to see that. Oh, I think it must be taken during one of the big chorus numbers. OK, I’m biased, but Ian is definitely the best-looking one in the ensemble.

Dix: He does make one sexy pirate. I know that huge moustache is fake, but it really suits him.

Butch: Yeah, you should ask him to grow one.

Harry: I don’t think it will take a lot of persuasion. He does like growing his beard, if I don’t remind him to trim it now and then, he would end up looking like a member of ZZ Top.

Dix: Now won’t that be something. At least he can grow one, I doubt I can grow a big thick beard like his.

Harry: Give it time, you may do. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with your goatee.

Butch: I agree with Harry. Long beards need a lot of looking after, just like long hair. Short ones like mine are much easier to manage from day to day.

Dix: At least you have the option.

Butch: I thought one of the daddy bears you introduced us to after the parade has an impressive white beard. He would make a convincing Santa Claus come Christmas.

Dix: Do you mean Norman? In fact, he told me kids often stared at him, thinking he was Santa.

Harry: I’m not surprised. It’s a pleasure meeting them, they’re a friendly couple. I wonder what Ian and I will be like when we reach their age. Norman is the shorter, older one, isn’t he?

Dix: Yeah. Norman is a few years older than Kev, who is the taller ex-fireman with the salt and pepper beard.

Butch: Kev is in pretty good shape for someone in his 60s. I won’t complain if I’m looking that fit when I reach his age.

Dix: Don’t we all! You should see him with his clothes off. Can you imagine my surprise when I received a message from him out of the blue? I thought I was either dreaming or it was a scam. Anyway, we met up for some fun on several occasions before he introduced me to Norman. Not sure whether they mentioned it, but they have just celebrated 40 years of living together.

Harry: That’s remarkable. No wonder they acted like a couple of brothers. Judging from Norman’s age, he probably remembers a time when gay sex was still illegal.

Dix: Oh, he certainly does. He loves to tell me all his early sordid escapades. It sounds like, despite it was against the law, he had just as much sex with men before it was legalised as after the law was changed.

Butch: Good for him. Can you remind me what he does for a living?

Dix: He started life as a professional pianist and used to play with jazz bands. Eventually, he gave that up and turned to teaching piano lessons instead. Of course, he has been retired for years now, but still kept up playing almost every day.

Harry: He must have strong fingers.

Dix: Oh, yes, and he gives fantastic massages. One time when we met up, my shoulders were really tense and achy after a long day at work. Norman immediately worked his magic fingers on them, and the stiffness was loosened up and vanished in seconds.

Butch: But I bet you were getting stiff somewhere else in your body. He must use those strong fingers to work all the sensitive spots during sex like playing keys on a piano.

Dix: He sure knows his way around the body, but it’s to be expected since he has decades of practice. Kev is indeed a lucky man having Norman as a partner and husband.

Harry: They are both lucky. Did they tell you how they meet?

Dix: Kev told me it was back in the days when he was training to be a fireman, even though homosexual acts had been decriminalised by then, the only way most men can find sex with other men was still through cruising popular gay spots.

Butch: I know it’s not that long ago, but it’s hard to imagine what’s life’s like without all the gay hook-up sites and apps at one’s fingertips like one giant shopping catalogue.

Harry: It’s definitely more convenient nowadays, but I doubt gay men are having any more sex now than before.

Dix: Who knows? Anyway, Kev first met Norman in a public park frequented by “queers”. Dressed in a smart jacket and tie, Norman approached Kev and asked for the time, which apparently in those days was one of the common unsaid signals between gay men. The two then went for a beer, shortly before ended up naked in Norman’s tiny flat.

Harry: It’s funny, after all these years, some things haven’t changed.

Dix: Why change a winning formula? Norman said unlike many of the men he had met before who were only after a quick shag and swiftly disappeared, Kev was in no rush. After they had sex, the two talked until daybreak and by the time Kev eventually had to go, Norman felt there’s undeniably strong chemistry between them.

Butch: Let’s face it, having a body to die for helped too. I can imagine Kev has an amazing physique like a Greek god in those days from all the demanding fireman training.

Dix: You bet. I’ve seen old photos of him when he was clean shaved but with the same rugged good look, and honestly, he could have made a serious fortune in porn. It’s no surprise, their meetings became more frequent, and eventually Norman asked Kev to move in with him. It’s funny, they used saving on rent as an excuse whenever someone asked.

Butch: Really? Did people actually believe them? A pianist and a fireman, what a combination!

Dix: I don’t think they cared, as they were happy living together. It turned out they both shared a similar sense of humour and their personalities complimented the other. Through thick and thin, they have overcome all the challenge life has thrown at them through the decades and finally got married after spending over forty years together.

Harry: That’s incredible! Hopefully, Ian and I will have many happy years together ahead of us, just like them.

Dix: I’m sure you guys will do.

Butch: Do you think they ever got bored with having sex with the same guy after so many years?

Dix: I doubt it. I don’t know all the details, but I think they always have what we now called an “open relationship”. I think Kev probably have more sex outside their relationship, especially when Norman got older and wasn’t performing as well and often as he liked to.

Harry: That’s to be expected, time is a cruel mistress. None of us are spring chickens any more.

Butch: Speak for yourself, I still have the stamina of a twenty-something year old.

Dix: Must be all the cum in your diet, but age will eventually catch up with the best of us. I hope I’m not oversharing, Kev loves to bottom, so it was tough for Norman when he couldn’t give Kev what he wanted all the time. Of course, it all changed with the help of the little blue pills.

Butch: God bless the pharmaceutical companies. Luckily, I don’t need to use them yet, but I won’t think twice if, or when, that day comes.

Harry: Unfortunately, many healthy youngsters abuse and take it with their party drugs, which can be very dangerous.

Butch: I can imagine, but I won’t know, drugs have never been my thing. I once read in the news some guy overdosed on these pills and suffered painful erections which won’t go down, ultimately had his penis amputated.

Dix: No way! Is that right? I thought it’s an urban myth.

Harry: The doctors called that priapism. From what I’ve learned, it does happen, but it’s very rare, so I won’t worry too much about it. But on a number of occasions in the past few years, I did attend older men who needed medical help after taking the pill and overworked their heart. Fortunately, they all recovered after some rest.

Dix: It must be really embarrassing for them because everyone knows what they have been up to. Thankfully, Norman suffered no bad side effects from these blue tabs, unless you count twisting his elbow once when messing around with Kev in the kitchen.

Butch: These things happens. It’s nice to hear they are still having fun together.

Dix: There is no stopping them, I think now with a little assistance from advances in modern medicine, they’re fucking like rabbits just like they used to when they first met. Norman might look like Santa, but his hefty daddy cock gets very thick and veiny when he’s excited, and he knows how to use it.

Butch: I see you have first-hand experience, and probably first-mouth experience too.

Harry: I wish I didn’t know that. I don’t think I can look him straight in the eyes next time if we ever meet again.

Dix: You’ll be OK as long as you don’t stare at his crotch for too long. It was fun having Norman join Kev and me in bed, but I enjoy one-on-one time with Kev as well. Kev knows exactly what to do to get me close to the edge repeatedly and suddenly released all the built-up energy like a massive firework going off.

Butch: Sounded like he’s an expert in edging. He might be more muscular than most of the chunky guys I usually go for, but I won’t say no to a bit of naked wrestling with him.

Dix: Well, as far as I know, he does have a range of types he likes, so you’ll never know.

Butch: You should ask them to join us for beer in the future.

Dix: I have before. I think they would like to, but unfortunately, they live quite far away from town and only comes in for special occasions.

Harry: That’s understandable. It’s so easy to settled into married life and stop going out as much.

Butch: Maybe, I won’t know. Anyway, looks like we’re all ready for a top-up. I’ll get this round.

Dix: That’s very kind of you. I’ll buy the next one.

Harry: Thanks, I’ll have another beer too.

Butch: No problem.

 Borromean Bears 2023. All rights reserved.